66 صفحه pdf
IEC 60034:2005
Rotating electrical machines
Part 3: Specific requirements for cylindrical rotor synchronous machines
IEC 60034:2005-Rotating electrical machines
66 صفحه pdf
IEC 60034:2005
Rotating electrical machines
Part 3: Specific requirements for cylindrical rotor synchronous machines
148 صفحه فایل pdf
IEC 61000:Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
Part 5: Installation and mitigation guidelines
Section 2: Earthing and cabling
84 صفحه pdf
IEC 61730:2012-Photovoltaic (PV) module safety qualification – Part 2: Requirements for testing
42 صفحه
IEC 60358:2013-Coupling capacitors and capacitor dividers – Part 2: AC or DC single-phase coupling capacitor connected between line and ground for power line carrier-frequency (PLC) application
140 صفحه
IEC 60252:2013-AC motor capacitors – Part 1: General – Performance, testing and rating – Safety requirements – Guidance for installation and operation