کتاب نایاب و ارزشمند آموزش مشارکتی ASME BPVC دوره 2
Companion Guide to the ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code Fourth Edition VOLUME 2
Criteria and Commentary on Select Aspects of the
Boiler & Pressure Vessel and Piping Codes
- Publisher: ASME
- Publish Date: 2012
- Pages: 788
- Language: English
ناشر : موسسه ASME
سال انتشار : 2012
فرمت کتاب: PDF
سرفصلهای آموزشی کتاب:
Dedication to the First Edition
Robert E. Nickell and William E. Cooper
Acknowledgements (to the First Edition)
Acknowledgements (to the Second Edition)
Acknowledgements (to the Third Edition)
Acknowledgements (to the Fourth Edition)
Contributor Biographies
Preface (to the First Edition)
K. R. Rao and Robert E. Nickell
Preface (to the Second Edition)
K. R. Rao
Preface (to the Third Edition)
K. R. Rao
Preface (to the Fourth Edition)
K. R. Rao
Organization and Operation of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee
CHAPTER 21 Section VIII–Division 1: Rules for
Construction of Pressure Vessels
Thomas P. Pastor
21.1 Introduction
21.2 Section VIII, Division 1, Foreword
21.3 Section VIII, Division 1, Introduction
21.4 Subsection A: General Requirements for
All Methods of Construction and All Materials
21.5 Subsection B–Requirements Pertaining to
Methods of Fabrication of Pressure Vessels
21.6 Subsection C: Requirements Pertaining to
Classes of Materials
21.7 Mandatory Appendices
21.8 Nonmandatory Appendices
21.9 References
CHAPTER 22 Section VIII–Division 2:
Alternative Rules
David A. Osage, Clay D. Rodery, Thomas P. Pastor
Robert G. Brown, Philip A. Henry, and
James C. Sowinski
22.1 Introduction
22.2 Organization of VIII–2
22.3 Part 1 – General Requirements
22.4 Part 2 – Responsibilities and Duties
22.5 Part 3 – Materials Requirements
22.6 Part 4 – Design-By-Rule
22.7 Part 5 – Design-By-Analysis
22.8 Part 6 – Fabrication Requirements
22.9 Part 7 – Inspection and Examination
22.10 Part 8 – Pressure Testing Requirements
22.11 Part 9 – Pressure Vessel Overpressure
22.12 References
CHAPTER 23 Section VIII, Division 3–Alternative Rules
for Construction of High-Pressure Vessels
J. Roberts Sims Jr
23.1 Introduction
23.2 Foreword and Policy Statements
23.3 Part KG–General Requirements
23.4 Part KM–Material Requirements
23.5 Part KD–Design Requirements
23.6 Part KF–Fabrication Requirements
23.7 Part KR–Pressure-Relief Devices
23.8 Part KE–Examination Requirements
23.9 Part KT–Testing Requirements
23.10 Part KS–Marking, Stamping,
Reports, and Records
23.11 Mandatory and Nonmandatory Appendices
23.12 Recommendations for Further Development
of Division 3
CHAPTER 24 Safety of Personnel Using
Quick-Actuating Closures on Pressure Vessels
and Associated Litigation Issues
Roger F. Reedy
24.1 Introduction
24.2 Background
24.3 History of the Rules Governing
Quick-Actuating Closures
24.4 The Future
24.5 Conclusion
24.6 References
CHAPTER 25 Welding and Brazing Qualifications
Joel G. Feldstein
25.1 Introduction
25.2 History of Section IX
25.3 Organization of Section IX
25.4 Welding Processes
25.5 Classification of Materials
25.6 Qualification of Welding Procedures
25.7 Qualification of Welders and
Welding Operators
25.8 Impact Tested Weld Procedures
25.9 Testing and Examination Requirements
25.10 Corrosion-Resistant and Hardfacing Overlay
25.11 Brazing
25.12 Future Actions for Section IX’s Consideration
CHAPTER 26 Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Pressure
Vessels and ASME RTP-1 – Reinforced Thermoset
Plastic Corrosion-Resistance Equipment
Peter Conlisk and Bernard F. Shelley
26.1 Introduction
26.2 FRP Technology
26.3 Fabrication Methods
26.4 Stress Analysis of FRP Vessels
26.5 Scopes of Section X and RTP-1
26.6 Design Qualifications of Section X and
RTP-1 Vessels
26.7 Section X: Example Design Specification
26.8 Section X: Example Design Calculations
26.9 RTP-1: Example 1 Design Specification
26.10 RTP-1: Design Example 2
26.11 Quality Assurance of Section X and
RTP-1 Vessels
26.12 References
CHAPTER 27 Overview of Section XI Stipulations
Owen Hedden
27.1 Introduction
27.2 Development of Scope and Content
of Section XI
27.3 Future Issues
27.4 Applicability of Code Editions and Addenda,
and the Use and Content of Code Cases
and Interpretations
27.5 Efforts That Did Not Reach Publications
27.6 Acknowledgments
27.7 References
27.8 Bibliography
27.9 Appendix A: Code Cases
27.10 Appendix B: Interpretations
CHAPTER 28 Repair/Replacement Activities for
Nuclear Power Plant Items
Richard E. Gimple and Richard W. Swayne
28.1 Introduction
28.2 Background of Repair/Replacement Activity
28.3 Scope and Applicability of Repair/
Replacement Activity Requirements
28.4 Alternative Requirements
28.5 Responsibilities
28.6 Repair/Replacement Program and Plan
28.7 Additional General Requirements
28.8 Requirements for Items Used in a
Repair/Replacement Activity
28.9 Design Associated with Repair/Replacement
28.10 Welding, Brazing, Metal Removal,
Fabrication and Installation
28.11 Examination and Testing Requirements
28.12 Alternatives to Construction Code Welding
28.13 Plugging and Sleeving of Heat
Exchanger Tubing
28.14 Code Cases
28.15 Future Considerations
28.16 References
CHAPTER 29 Section XI: Rules for Inservice
Inspection and Tests of Nuclear Power Plant
Richard W. Swayne
29.1 Introduction
29.2 Preface
29.3 Organization
29.4 Article IWA-1000: Scope and Responsibility
29.5 Article IWA-2000: Examination and Inspection
29.6 IWA-2000: Qualifications of Nondestructive
Examination Personnel
29.7 Mandatory Appendix VII: Qualification of
Nondestructive Examination Personnel for UT
29.8 IWA 2420: Inspection Program
29.9 IWA 2420: Inspection Plans and Schedules
29.10 IWA 2430: Inspection Intervals
29.11 IWA 2440: Application of Code Cases
29.12 IWA 2500: Extent of Examination
29.13 IWA 2600:Weld Reference System
29.14 Subsections IWB/IWC/IWD/IWE/IWF/IWL:
Requirements for Class 1, 2, 3, MC,
and CC Components and Supports
29.15 Exemptions from the Examination Requirements
29.16 Class 1, 2, and 3 Components and Their
Supports Exempt from Examination
29.17 Class MC Components and Liners of Class
CC Components Exempt from Examination
29.18 Portions of Reinforced Concrete Containment
Vessels and Their Posttensioning Systems
Exempt from Examination
29.19 IWF-1300: Component Support Examination
29.20 IWB/IWC/IWD/IWE/IWF-2000: Examination
and Inspection
29.21 Combining Preservice Examinations with
Construction Code Shop and
Field Examinations
29.22 IWE-2300: Visual Examination, Personnel
Qualification, and the Responsible Individual
29.23 IWL-2300: Visual Examination, Personnel
Qualification, and the Responsible Engineer
Inspection Schedule
29.25 IWL-2400: Inspection Schedule
29.26 IWB/IWC/IWD/IWE/IWF-2420: Successive
29.27 IWB/IWC/IWD/IWE/IWF-2430: Additional
29.28 IWB/IWC/IWD/IWE/IWF-2500: Examination
and Pressure Test Requirements
29.29 Unique Aspects of Containment Vessel
29.30 IWL-2500: Examination Requirements
29.31 Unique Aspects of the Component Support
29.32 IWA-5000: System Pressure Tests
29.33 IWA-5110: Periodic System Pressure Tests
29.34 IWA-5120: System Pressure Tests for
Repair/Replacement Activities
29.35 IWA-5200: System Test Requirements
29.36 IWA/IWB/IWC/IWD-5220: Test Pressurization
29.37 IWA-5240: Visual Examination
29.38 IWA-5250: Corrective Action
29.39 IWA-5260: Instruments for System
Hydrostatic Tests
29.40 IWA-5300: Test Records
29.41 IWA-6000: Records and Reports
29.42 IWA-6300: Retention
29.43 Risk-Informed Inservice Inspection
29.44 High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors
CHAPTER 30 Section XI Flaw Acceptance Criteria
and Evaluation Using Code Procedures
Russell C. Cipolla
30.1 Introduction
30.2 Evaluation of Examination Results (IWA-3000)
30.3 Acceptance of Flaws (IWB-3500)
30.4 Evaluation of Flaws in Components
30.5 Evaluation of Flaws in Reactor Head
Penetrations Components (IWB-3660)
30.6 Evaluation of Flaws in Piping (IWB-3640)
30.7 Evaluation of Pipe Wall Thinning
30.8 Temporary Acceptance of Flaws
30.9 Evaluation of Plant Operating Events
30.10 Evaluation of Class 2, 3, MC, and
NF Components
30.11 Recent and Future Developments in
Flaw Evaluation
30.12 References
Jim E. Staffiera
31.1 Introduction
31.2 Regulatory Requirements for Containments
31.3 ASME Code Requirements for Containments
31.4 General Requirements
31.5 Requirements for Metal (Class MC)
31.6 Requirements for Concrete (Class CC)
31.7 Later Code Editions and Addenda
31.8 Code Cases and Interpretations
31.9 Advance Nuclear Power Plant Designs
31.10 References
CHAPTER 32 Fatigue Crack Growth, Fatigue
and Stress Corrosion Crack Growth:
Section XI Evaluation
Warren H. Bamford
32.1 Fatigue Crack Growth Analyses
32.2 Stress Corrosion Crack Growth
32.3 Operating Plant Fatigue Assessment:
Section XI, Appendix L
32.4 References
CHAPTER 33 Applications of Elastic-Plastic Fracture
Mechanics in Section XI, ASME Code Evaluations
Hardayal S. Mehta
33.1 Introduction
33.2 Early Progress in the Development of EPFM
33.3 Engineering Approach to EPFM and
Piping Applications
33.4 Application to RPV Evaluation
33.5 References
CHAPTER 34 Description of Rules of Section XII
Transport Tank Code
Mahendra D. Rana and Stanley Staniszewski
34.1 Introduction
34.2 Rules on General Requirements, Pressure,
Relief Devices, Stamping, Marking
Certification, Reports and Records
34.3 Rules for Materials and Design
34.4 Rules on Fabrication and Inspection
34.5 Additional Rules in Modal Appendix I on
Categories 406, 407, 412, 331 and
338 Cargo Tanks
34.6 New Appendix on Rules on Cold
Stretched Vessels
34.7 Conclusions
34.8 Acknowledgment
34.9 References
CHAPTER 35 ASME Piping Code: B31.1,
Power Piping
Jimmy E. Meyer and Joe Frey
35.1 Introduction
35.2 Scope and Definitions
35.3 Design
35.4 Materials
35.5 Dimensional Requirements
35.6 Fabrication, Assembly and Erection
35.7 Inspection, Examination, and Testing
35.8 Operations and Maintenance
35.9 Appendices in the Code
35.10 References
CHAPTER 36 ASME Piping Codes: B31.3 Process,
B31.5 Refrigeration, B31.9 Building Services and
ASME Standards for Piping: B31E Seismic Design,
B31J Stress I-Factors, B31T Toughness Requirements
Jimmy E. Meyer
36.1 Coverage
36.2 References
CHAPTER 37 Transportation Pipelines, Including
ASME B31.4, B31.8, B31.8S, B31.11, B31G,
and B31Q Codes
Michael J. Rosenfeld
37.1 Introduction
37.2 ASME B31.4 “Transportation Systems for
Liquid Hydrocarbons and other Liquids”
37.3 ASME B31.8 “Gas Transmission and
Distribution Piping Systems”
37.4 ASME B31.8S “Managing System Integrity
of Gas Pipelines”, Supplement to B31.8
37.5 ASME B31.11 “Slurry Transportation
Piping Systems”
37.6 ASME B31G “Manual for Determining the
Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines”
37.7 ASME B31Q “Pipeline Personnel
37.8 Acknowledgements
37.9 References
CHAPTER 38 Hydrogen Piping and Pipe Lines
Louis E. Hayden
38.1 Background and General Information
38.2 Organization of B31.12
38.3 Part GR-General Requirements
38.4 Part GR; Materials
38.5 GR-3 Welding, Brazing, Heat Treating,
Forming, and Testing
38.6 GR-4 Inspection, Examination and Testing
38.7 GR-5 Operation and Maintenance
38.8 GR-6 Quality System Program for Hydrogen
Piping and Pipeline Systems
38.9 Part IP-2 Design Conditions and Criteria
38.10 IP-3 Pressure Design of Piping Components
38.11 IP-7 Specific Piping Systems
38.12 IP-8.1 Dimensional Requirements
38.13 IP-8.2 Ratings of Components
38.14 IP10 Inspection, Examination, and Testing
38.15 PL Pipelines
38.16 Chapter PL-2 Pipeline Systems Components
and Fabrication Details
38.17 Mandatory Appendix III Safeguarding
38.18 References
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