فرمت فایل: word (قابل ویرایش)
تعداد صفحات: 150
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement X
Abstract XI
List of Tables XII
Chapter 1: Introduction 1
- Overview 1
- Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Study 5
- Significance and Justification of the Study 6
- Research Questions 7
- Research Hypotheses 8
- What Is Known About Listening 8
- What Is Known About Authentic Materials 10
- Definition of Important Terms 12
- Delimitations 13
- Limitations 14
- Organization of the Master Thesis 14
Chapter 2: Review of Literature 15
- Introduction 15
- Listening Comprehension 15
- 2.1 Definition of Listening 15
- 2.2 Importance of Listening 17
- 2.2.1 Listening and Academic Success 18
- 2.2.2 Discovery Listening 18
- 2.3 Listening as an Academic Process 20
- 2.3.1 Knowledge Required for Listening 20
- Listening Comprehension versus Reading 21
- Listening Comprehension 23
- 2.5.1 Authentic and Listening 23
- Different Kinds of Comprehension 24
- Comprehension Preceding Production 25
- 2.6 Tasks for Listening Comprehension 25
- 2.6.1 Performing to Indicate Understanding 27
- 2.6.2 Teaching rather than Testing 28
- 2.7 Inner Speech and Language Learning 29
- 2.7.1 Listening and Speaking 29
- 2.8 Maturation and Language Learning 30
- 2.8.1 Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal 31
- The Role of Background Knowledge in 32
Learning Language
- 2.9.1 Schema Theory 32
- 2.9.2 Background Knowledge/Prior 33
- 2.10 Cultural Background 35
- 3 Listening and English-as-a-Foreign-Language Learning 36
- 3.1 The Emergency of Communicative Language 36
- Communicative Approach: Some Principles 38
and Features
- 4 The Use of Aural Authentic Materials 40
- 4.1 Definitions of Authentic Materials 40
- 4.2 Authentic Materials and Language Performance 41
- 4.3 Nature of Authentic Texts 43
- 4.3.1 Characteristics of Authentic Speech 43
- 4.3.2 Authentic Speech and Cultural Aspect 44
Chapter 3: Methodology 46
- Introduction 46
- Summary of the Study 46
- 2.1 Participants 48
- 2.2 Classroom Observation 49
- 3 Demographic Data of the Students 50
- 4 Classroom Environment 52
- 4.1 Setting 52
- 5 Classroom Practices 52
- 5.1 Listening Materials Implemented in Class 52
- 5.2 Class Procedure 53
- 6 Teacher’s Pedagogy 54
- 7 Interviews 55
- 7.1 Interviews with Students 56
- 7.1.1 First Interview 56
- 7.1.2 Second Interview 56
- 8 Self-Evaluation Questionnaire 57
- 9 Language Learning Strategy Questionnaire 58
- 10 Data Collection 59
- 11 Analysis of Data 60
- 12 Validity and Reliability 63
Chapter 4: Results 64
- Introduction 64
- Summary of the Study 64
- Results of the Study 65
- 3.1 Results for Fundamental Research Question: 66
Influences of Aural Authentic Materials
- 3.1.1 Results from the Interviews with Students 67
- 3.1.2 Results from the Class Observation 69
- 3.1.3 Results from the Self-Evaluation 71
- 3.2 Summary of Findings Related to the Influences 72
of Aural Authentic Materials
- 3.3 Results for Secondary Research Question#1: 73
Learning Strategy Use
- 3.3.1 Results from the Interview with 73
- Results from the Class Observation 75
- Results from the Learning Strategy 76
- 3.4 Summary of Findings Related to the Learning 77
Strategy Use
- 3.5 Results for Secondary Research Question#2: 79
Attitudes towards Language Learning
- 3.5.1 Results from the Interviews with 79
- Summary of Findings Related to the Students’ 80
Attitudes towards Language Learning
- 4 Overall Findings of the Study 80
- 4.1 Students with no Progress in Listening Ability 81
- 4.2 Students with Progress in Listening Ability 82
Chapter 5: Conclusion 84
- Introduction 84
- Summary of the study 84
- Discussion of Results 86
- 3.1 Authenticity of the Listening Materials 86
- 3.2 Influences of Aural Authentic Materials on 89
Listening Comprehension
- Use of Learning Strategies 92
- Attitudes towards Language Learning 94
- 4 Conclusions 96
- 5 Recommendations 102
- 5.1 Recommendations for Further Research 102
- 5.2 Implications for Teaching 103
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