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مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

فی گوو

مرجع دانلود فایل ,تحقیق , پروژه , پایان نامه , فایل فلش گوشی

دانلود کتاب سیسیلی کان Play the Sicilian Kan: A dynamic and flexible repertoire for Black

اختصاصی از فی گوو دانلود کتاب سیسیلی کان Play the Sicilian Kan: A dynamic and flexible repertoire for Black دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

دانلود کتاب سیسیلی کان Play the Sicilian Kan: A dynamic and flexible repertoire for Black

دانلود کتاب سیسیلی کان Play the Sicilian Kan: A dynamic and flexible repertoire for Black

Play the Sicilian Kan: A dynamic and flexible repertoire for Black

بازی سیسیلی کان: یک مجموعه پویا و انعطاف پذیر برای سیاه

نویسنده :  Johan Hellsten

تعداد صفحات »: 322

با دو فرمت : cbh-pdf

سیسیلی کان یک انتخاب ایده آل به عنوان یک سلاح در برابر حرکت 1 e4 است .کان نسبتا تئوری آزاد در معنای سنتی، و موفقیت بیشتر  از طریق درک سیستم توسعه و به مطالعه عمیق از ایده های تاکتیکی و موضعی که برای هر دو طرف رخ میدهد

پوشش دقیق از آسان به بازی سیسیلی
شامل پاسخ به تمام گزینه های اصلی سفید
بسته بندی شده با ایده ها و تجزیه و تحلیل اصلی
نوشته شده توسط یک متخصص مشهور بازی سیسیلی کان

Play the Sicilian Kan

The Kan is an ideal choice as an opening weapon against 1 e4, as it is one of the easiest variations of the Sicilian to learn and play. This is because, unlike some variations of the Sicilian, you don't need to memorize loads of opening theory in order to be successful. The Kan is relatively theory free in the traditional sense, and success is more likely to occur through the understanding of development systems and a deep study of the tactical and positional ideas for both sides.

In this book Johan Hellsten draws upon his vast experience in the Sicilian Kan, revealing his secrets and showing how Black can adopt this opening and play it with confidence. He provides the reader with a dependable repertoire, demonstrating what to do in the main lines as well as how to deal with White's tricky alternatives.


  • Detailed coverage of an easy-to-play Sicilian
  • Includes answers to all of White's main options
  • Packed with original ideas and analysis
  • Written by a renowned Kan expert

Play the Sicilian Kan

Play the Sicilian Kan

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دانلود کتاب سیسیلی کان Play the Sicilian Kan: A dynamic and flexible repertoire for Black

فیلم آموزشی شطرنج سیسیلی کلاشینکوف Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov

اختصاصی از فی گوو فیلم آموزشی شطرنج سیسیلی کلاشینکوف Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

فیلم آموزشی شطرنج سیسیلی کلاشینکوف Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov

فیلم آموزشی شطرنج سیسیلی کلاشینکوف Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov

فیلم آموزشی آموزشی سیسیلی کلاشینکوف Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov

آموزش کامل دفاع سیسیلی کلاشینکوف

استاد بزرگ دجان بوجکوف

Dejan Bojkov

شامل 32 ویدئوی آموزشی

زمان آموزش 6 ساعت

در این دی وی دی استاد بزرگ دجان بوجکوف با آموزش کامل طرح ها و ایده های اصلی وشاخه های فرعی و دامهای این گشایش و انتخاب دقیق بهترین بازیها با بررسی کامل  تمامی ایده های اصلی شروع بازی و وسط بازی - سیسیلی کلاشینکوف همراه با دیتابیس ها و بازیها ی تفسیر شده

با نرم افزار چس بیس یا فریتز به راحتی میتوانید این فیلم آموزشی را نگاه کنید

Maybe you remember the famous game McDonnell-De Labourdonnais from their 1834 match in London, the one in which three connected black pawns reached the second rank and forced White’s resignation. What you probably do not know is that this game started with the moves 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 e5. White’s most common move then is 5.Nb5, which Black for many years preferred to meet with 5...a6, which is a strategically risky decision. But a completely new development of the whole system was initiated in 1987, when Evgeny Sveshnikov, the godfather of the Sveshnikov Sicilian (4...Nf6 5.Nc3 e5), changed to 4...e5 and followed this with 5...d6, which is positionally more sound. The latter move brings us to the subject of the current DVD - the Kalashnikov, or the Neo-Sveshnikov line. In 32 video clips Dejan Bojkov covers the main ideas behind Black’s setup, the positional ideas behind the opening, the dangers that the second player is facing and prepares a thorough and deep repertoire for those willing to play the line as Black. The DVD is separated into two parts - the first one provides the main ideas behind the opening, and the second gives the theoretical material. The main point behind Black’s idea is that he occupies the centre without any delay, with tempo. The main drawback - the weakening of the d5-square. Which factor should prevail? Watch the DVD to find out! Video running time: 6 hours.

A review by Albert Silver

Openings DVDs, much like openings books, come in a wide variety of shapes and forms, or rather, quality and plans. They range from those that try to give only the broadest ideas with a minimum of theory à la Reti’s “The Ideas Behind the Openings” while others seem like the recitation of a section of an openings encyclopedia. As a player, my needs fall right in between the two as I am no longer weak enough to survive just on ideas, nor strong enough to fill in all that is unsaid in theory-heavy works. When I saw the very friendly title “Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov” by GM Dejan Bojkov, it sounded like this was going to be a very light work.

GM Dejan Bojkov, long-time coach of GM Antoaneta Stefanova, is anything if not thorough, and judging from the work, one imagines he must be quite the coach. In the introductory video, he explains that the opening is one of the most recent major variations to be added to top theory and is a bastard brother to the Sveshnikov. It is ideally suited for players who do not want to contend with a boatload of theory, have rich options for personal exploration, and a variety of strategic approaches. Promising. He then expounds his course plan, dividing the DVD into two parts. The first will supply sample games chosen to illustrate the major themes and ideas of the opening, while the second will supply concrete theory to give exact answers to exact situations. Even more promising, but will the execution live up to it?

The table of contents of the DVD corresponds to his outline with no fewer than 32 individual videos awaiting me. The first on the list almost astonishes: Historical journey: McDonnell,A - De Labourdonnais,L. Almost all authors are content to mention where an opening stems from when they do even that, but the Bulgarian GM guides us through the first famous historic game to use the ideas, and then explains when it began to be properly accepted at the dawn of the 1990s. This is also the student’s first experience with Bojkov as a presenter, and we are immediately put at ease: his delivery is fluent and practiced, there are no problems understanding him and he knows the material and what he plans to say.

The games he chooses to illustrate the themes and plans are all well chosen, and any worries about murky examples overridden with too much happening are dismissed. He also takes the time to highlight important ideas that can be useful throughout the game.

For example, in 13. Endgames with outpost on d5, in which he uses Oll-Dvoirys (1990), after he reaches 24.a4 Rc7

GM Dejan Bojkov tells the student to specifically memorize certain plans and ideas

He explains that it is a good idea to stop and memorize this defensive method. Black’s rook not only gets out of the way from a white knight attack from b6, but also prepares Nc8 to exchange off a white knight invasion on b6, protect d6, and allow the king to join via e7.

Even in situations such as after 28.Bg4

Black’s reply 28…Na7!

is explained so that the flexibility of ideas behind it is made clear, preventing White from exchanging off the strong knight, and preparing alternately Nb5 if White plays a5, or ...b5 supported by the knight on a7.

The themes extend to the types of endgames and what to watch out for.

The second half of the DVD, the theory section, is what one would expect, and each main line is broken down in detail using important games to demonstrate the theory. The videos are not rushed, though unless you are already familiar with the theory of the lines, you will probably be viewing them more than once.

In his farewell, Bojkov concludes with the usual well-wishes for success and enjoyment, but also adds the names of players whose games he feels are bound to be instructive for further ideas on plans and theory.

I’ll be honest, I am not your biggest openings theory fanatic (understatement of the year), so I will not give you a list of credentials explaining how I have been playing it for the last twenty years, and am secretly consulted by the world’s elite for my insights. That said, I am a demanding consumer and am not usually enthusiastic about openings works as they rarely strike the right balance for me, or deliver with a consistently high standard. GM Dejan Bojkov’s DVD on the Kalashnikov, spanning six hours, does so on all fronts, and players of a wide range of strengths should be able to get something from it. I was very impressed overall, and highly recommend it.

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فیلم آموزشی شطرنج سیسیلی کلاشینکوف Try the Sicilian Kalashnikov

آموزش کامل سیسیلی شونینگن،The Scheveningen Sicilian

اختصاصی از فی گوو آموزش کامل سیسیلی شونینگن،The Scheveningen Sicilian دانلود با لینک مستقیم و پر سرعت .

آموزش کامل سیسیلی شونینگن،The Scheveningen Sicilian

آموزش کامل سیسیلی شونینگن،The Scheveningen Sicilian

فیلم آموزشی شطرنج

The Scheveningen Sicilian

توسط استاد بزرگ Lubomir Ftacnik

آموزش کامل سیسیلی شونینگن

محصول chessbase

مدت زمان آموزش 7 ساعت

همراه دیتابیس بازیها و آموزش

شامل 20 ویدئوی آموزشی شطرنج

سطح: بازیکنان مسابقات ، حرفه ای

نام دفاع سیسیلی (1e4 c5)توصیف تعدادی از سیستم های، که هر کدام به راحتی می تواند به عنوان یک شروع بازی مستقل در نظر گرفته شود. مشکلات در پائولسن، ریشتر Rauzer رائوزر یا سوشینکوف Sveshnikov پیچیده هستند، اما ساختار پیاده سیسیلی همه آنها را به یکدیگر گره میزند. از جمله سیستم Najdorf مربوط - شونینگن سیسیلی مرکزی به درک درستی از تمام نسخه های منحصر به فرد از پاسخ به محبوب ترین حرکت1e4  است.استاد بزرگ GM Ftacnikبه خوبی این سیستم را به شما آموزش میدهد، با موقعیت غنی ارائه نمرات از برنامه های مختلف برای هر دو طرف است. بازیکنان یاد خواهند گرفت که احترام به اهمیت مرکزی d6 ساختار پیاده سیاه ، e6 و ارتباط عمیق و اساسی خود را به d6 وبعد e5. همه برنامه های بزرگ حمله برای سفید، با ایده g2-g4 تهاجمی در قالب حمله کرس و یا در حال حاضر توسط حمله wildly محبوب انگلیسی منجر میشود، با کمک از بازی های بهترین بازیکنان جهان  توضیح میدهد. DVD شونینگن : افزایش و درک تمام سیستم های سیسیلی. ویدیوئی مدت زمان: 7 ساعت

The name Sicilian Defence (1.e4 c5) describes a number of systems, each of which could easily be considered as an independent opening. The problems in the Paulsen, Richter Rauzer or Sveshnikov are complex, but the Sicilian pawn structures tie them all together. The Scheveningen Sicilian is central to an understanding of all the individual versions of the most popular response to the move 1.e4 - including the related Najdorf system. GM Ftacnik sets out to explain the vitality of the key Scheveningen line, a rich position offering scores of different plans for both sides. Players will learn to respect the importance of Black’s central pawn structure d6, e6 and its deep and essential relationship to the different d6, e5 formation. All the grand attacking plans for White, led by the aggressive g2-g4 idea in the form of the Keres attack or currently by the wildly popular English attack, are explained with the help of the games by the world’s best players. The Scheveningen DVD will enhance the way you see and understand all Sicilian systems. Video running time: 7 hours

این فیلم آموزشی را به راحتی میتوانید با نرم افزار های( chessbase ,12,13 وfritz) چس بیس یا فریتز و چس بیس ریدر نگاه کنید

دانلود با لینک مستقیم

آموزش کامل سیسیلی شونینگن،The Scheveningen Sicilian